American Foxhound

Ease of Training
Guard Dog


  • A pack of hounds was imported to America in 1650, this pack of hounds was the foundation for the American Foxhound
  • In the 1700's hounds were imported from France and England to further develop the breed
  • He bred for field trials, fox hunting, trailing, and to hunt in large packs of 20 or more other hounds.
  • They were bred to hunt by "scent"

Personality and Behavior

  • He's sweet-natured, loyal and loving to his human family, but not overly affectionate
  • He doesn't like being alone for long periods
  • He needs something to do; if he's bored he will find ways to entertain himself often by being destructive (chewing, scratching, digging, etc)!
  • He likes to be outside roaming around and suits a home with a secure yard (he's adept at scaling fences and escaping back yards to go wandering)
  • He can't be trusted off leash because as soon as he picks up a scent he will follow his noise (and could be hit by a car)
  • He makes a good watchdog and will bark or howl when a stranger is present
  • He isn't barky but when he does bark it is very deep and loud which might upset neighbors
  • His independent nature means that he isn't going to listen to your every command


  • He's fairly easy to train. He learns commands at an average rate.


  • He sheds quite a bit of hair. You'll find some hair stuck to your clothes, couch and carpets.

Grooming / Maintenance

  • His short coat only needs to be brushed occasionally. However, because it sheds you may find yourself brushing it once a week, or more, to minimize the hair in your home (what you remove with a brush doesn't end up on the couch!).

Other varieties

  • English Foxhound (he has shorter legs)


Submit a photo of your American Foxhound

  • American Foxhound