Italian Greyhound

Ease of Training
Guard Dog


  • His origin is unknown

Personality and Behavior

  • He's fast (faster than most dogs), agile and athletic
  • He likes to spend most of his time with you
  • He's peaceful and gentle
  • He gets along very well with children
  • He likes to dash around outside and run as fast as he possibly can
  • His has a "what's in it for me" attitude
  • He's generally aloof with strangers
  • He has a high prey drive and will bolt off after small animals
  • He might be aggressive with other dogs


  • He's not easy to train. You will need patience as he is slower than most to learn obedience commands.


  • He sheds quite a bit of hair. You'll find some hair stuck to your clothes, couch and carpets.

Grooming / Maintenance

  • His short coat only needs to be brushed occasionally. However, because it sheds you may find yourself brushing it once a week, or more, to minimize the hair in your home (what you remove with a brush doesn't end up on the couch!).

Other varieties

  • NA


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  • Italian Greyhound
  • Italian Greyhound
  • Italian Greyhound
  • Italian Greyhound